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Identifying Common Water Leak Locations at Home | SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee

5/11/2024 (Permalink)

Roof is Leaking, Pipe Rupture at Home: Water Drips into Buckets in Living Room. In need of restoration from a water leak in your home? Call SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee for a faster response!

Water leaks are a homeowner’s nightmare, causing damage to property and potentially leading to costly repairs. Knowing where leaks are most likely to occur can help you stay vigilant and prevent potential disasters.

Here are some common areas in your home where water leaks may lurk:

Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances
From faucets and toilets to dishwashers and washing machines, plumbing fixtures and appliances are frequent culprits of water leaks. Over time, wear and tear, faulty seals, or loose connections can cause leaks to develop. 

Keep an eye out for signs of water pooling, dripping or unusual moisture around these fixtures and appliances, and address any leaks promptly to prevent further damage.

Roof and Attic
Roof leaks are often overlooked until they cause significant damage to ceilings, walls and insulation. Damaged or missing shingles, deteriorated flashing or clogged gutters can allow water to seep into your home, leading to water stains, mold growth and structural issues. 

Regular roof inspections and maintenance can help identify and address potential leaks before they escalate.

Basement and Foundation
Basements and crawl spaces are susceptible to water intrusion due to poor drainage, cracks in the foundation or hydrostatic pressure from groundwater. Common signs of basement leaks include damp or musty odors, efflorescence (white, chalky residue), and water stains on walls or floors. 

Waterproofing measures such as installing a sump pump, sealing foundation cracks and improving drainage can help prevent basement leaks.

Pipes and Plumbing Lines
Hidden leaks within walls, ceilings or under floors can go undetected for extended periods, causing extensive damage over time. Leaking pipes, whether due to corrosion, age or damage, can lead to water damage, mold growth and increased water bills. Look out for signs such as water stains, peeling paint or wallpaper and musty odors, and address any suspected pipe leaks promptly to prevent further damage.

What to Do If You Discover a Water Leak
If you notice a leak, immediately shut off the water supply to the affected area or your entire home to prevent further water damage. Stay clear of the water and get us on the phone right away. 

Our team will ask you to take some pictures of the situation while you wait for us to arrive, and you can certainly open up some windows and turn on some fans to help dry up the visible water.

We will handle every aspect of your recovery from the initial water removal to the final repairs of your walls, floors and ceiling. We will even make sure that any lingering odors are removed from your air. We are always Here to Help® you overcome water damage. 

Our team will help you recover from a water disaster faster. Call SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee right away.

How to Safely Navigate a Flood Situation | SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee

4/10/2024 (Permalink)

flooding houses SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is here for the rescue when flooding strikes.

Water impacts our day whether we are thinking about it or not. The water flowing through our taps and pipes helps us run a smooth household while the rain flowing through your gutters on a stormy day can help nourish your lawn and gardens and give you a cozy day at home. However, water also has the ability to cause all kinds of issues when it winds up where it shouldn’t.

Flash floods and flooding situations can cause extensive damage in a short amount of time, and the warnings often don’t give you too much time to prepare. 

That’s where we come in! Our flood restoration team offers some helpful tips below on responding to a flood in your home so that you can be prepared if it should ever happen to you. 

Your Top Priorities

Your family’s safety should always be your top priority whenever a severe weather situation is forecasted. Head for home if you are out and about when the warning is issued, but be careful to avoid any roads or low-lying areas that often flood when the rain starts to come down. Once you are home, it’s time to start preparing your home.

Get your car inside the garage and tidy up your yard. Tie down anything that you don’t want to float away, like patio furniture or grills, and bring whatever loose objects you can inside your home or garage. Make sure your downspouts are secure and pointed away from your house, and then head inside to get your basement level ready.

Remove any fragile possessions or keepsakes that could be ruined by the water and consider turning off electricity in your basement for the time being as an added precaution. 

Addressing the Damage After the Storm

Floodwater can travel fast and infiltrate your home at any point during a heavy rain. There isn’t much you can do while it’s happening except stay above the water line and wait until the conditions change. 

Once the rain stops and the water stops rushing in, you can slowly assess the damage and call for help. Just be sure that you avoid walking through any water or wear sturdy boots if you must.

Before moving anything or attempting to recover some of your possessions, take as many photos as you can. Fresh images will help your insurance company process a more accurate claim and get you the money and repairs that you deserve. Then it is time to call us! Our flood restoration team can be there quickly to start restoring your home. 

Tackling Flood Damage

Our main goal when we arrive is to assess the situation and then start removing any standing water from your space. The longer water sits, the worse the damage can become. 

So we will extract all of the water while also simultaneously working on drying out your possessions. We are trained in document recovery and drying, upholstery cleaning and other cleaning techniques to help ensure your home is restored properly.

Once we have removed the water, we can get to work on your repairs. Lingering water can cause soggy floors, ruined drywall or soaked carpets, and we can handle it all! Our construction team is highly trained and will work hard to bring your home back to its pre-flood condition as soon as possible. 

Our team can help you recover from a flood faster. Call SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee right away. 

Top Tips for Tracking Down a Mold Infestation | SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee

1/12/2024 (Permalink)

Mold SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is here for you when mold strikes!

Our homes put up with a lot day in and day out to keep us safe and comfortable. They are the first line of defense when the weather gets bad, they withstand the elements no matter what season we are in, and they keep us safe and warm while we are cozy in our beds. 

However, that also means that different situations can develop from time to time that could lead to serious issues if they go unaddressed. This is especially true when mold is concerned. Mold has the potential to become a health hazard in your home, but it can also start to compromise your home’s structure over time as well. 

Our SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee team is fully trained on handling mold infestations, and we can make sure that the mold in your home is taken care of fully no matter the type of situation. Check out more about mold below!

Where Does Mold Like to Grow?
Did you know that mold spores are basically everywhere? These microscopic spores are floating through the air both outside and inside your homes. 

They can travel back and forth through windows, vents or through that pesky draft in your basement.

The presence of mold spores in your home doesn’t guarantee an infestation will occur because the conditions have to be right. Mold loves dark, damp and cool areas of your home. If a spore finds its way into a space like your basement, attic or bathroom corner, it can take hold and start to grow into an entire colony in 24 to 48 hours. 

What to Do About a Mold Infestation
Mold is something that no one wants to find in their homes, so your first reaction will probably be a few words of surprised disgust followed by an overwhelming sense of not knowing what to do. Our first tip is to avoid touching it or disturbing it in any way. Some types of mold shouldn’t be inhaled or handled, so keep yourself safe and call us instead.

We can come out quickly and identify the type of mold so we can create our recovery and restoration plan. We will also investigate the reason for the mold in the first place and can track down any moisture issues or humidity problems in your home. We will contain the area, filter the air and then we will work on removing the mold and the mold infested materials. 

Cleaning Up After the Mold Is Gone 

The longer mold is left to grow and spread, the higher the chances of some sort of home damage occurring underneath the colony. Mold can slowly eat away at wood, drywall or other structural supports around your home, and that can lead to a dangerous living space. 

We will tackle any repairs that need to be done and then give the whole area a cleaning and sanitization to help ensure the mold can’t grow back.

Mold infestations should always be handled by professionals. Contact us today at SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee.

Tracking Down Where the Water Leak Is Coming From | SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee

10/2/2023 (Permalink)

extensive water damage of a residential space with a large hole in the ceiling with visible mold damage and water stains Need help restoring your home or business after water damage? SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is "Here to Help" with all your restoration and repair needs!

Storms are a common part of the summer season here in the Carleton community, and we certainly have seen some intense ones this year, thanks to all this heat and humidity in the air. While some storms remain minor and just give our grass and plants a good soaking, heavy rain accompanying severe weather can have a serious impact on our homes.

In order to track down the leak and stop it from causing widespread damage, you have to know where to look. Catching a water leak early can help you avoid more serious and costly damage down the road.

Our SERVPRO® of Carleton/Maybee team explains where to look below if you discover a puddle of water or a drip coming from your ceiling after the next storm, so read on to be ready!

Old Windows or Doors

The most common locations for water leaks are any places that have direct access to the outside. Wiring holes, recessed lighting cans and, of course, your windows and doors can leak at any time. As your home ages, it can start to experience wear and tear. Caulk lines can degrade and your window and door frames can even shrink or sag over time.

Unfortunately, these situations are not often noticeable until water has already gotten inside and is leaking. By then, it could have leaked down your walls and behind your drywall and caused a mold infestation to grow. In order to catch these types of leaks, run your hands around your window panes and door frames after each storm to feel for moisture.

Sneaky Roof Damage

Roofs are the first line of defense when it comes to pouring rain. They have the incredibly important job of warding off high winds, hail and heavy rain while we stay safe and dry inside. That also means that they are typically the first place for damage to occur. Obvious damage like an impact from a fallen tree can be easy to see, but even something as simple as a cracked or broken shingle can invite water into your attic.

Over time, a simple drip can turn into a stream that leaks down your walls and travels all over your home. You could have soggy ceilings, drywall and floors before you even realize it. Checking your roof after every storm can help you identify emerging issues immediately.

Siding Issues

Your siding is also a protective measure for your home. It helps keep out the elements and adds some great curb appeal to your house. However, rain can also get up under your siding if the wind blows it hard enough against your house. Water damage can also occur if the storm is strong enough to crack your siding or completely pull it away from your house.

Do a walk-around of your property after the rain storms to check your siding for damage. In any storm or water damage situation, calling SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is your most reliable way to recover. We have the equipment to dry out your space and the knowledge to handle repairs expertly in a short amount of time.

No one wants to have water damage occur in their home. Call SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee for a fast recovery.

SERVPRO’s Fire Damage Restoration Process | SERVPRO® of Carleton/Maybee

5/19/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”fire” alt = " team of firefighters working together to hose down a residential fire ” > House fires are scary events. Call SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee to help clean up the aftermath so you can focus on what matters most.

If you experience a house fire, there will be a lot of emotions running through your mind. From the initial shock of adrenaline to the stress of standing in your fire-damaged home, it can be overwhelming.

After the fire is out and you are left to figure out your recovery plan, remember that SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is here to help.

House fires can range from minor inconveniences to total devastation, but no matter the extent of the damages, our team can help you fully recover. We can jump right into action and begin the repair process so that you are displaced for as little time as possible.

The First Phone Call

Whether you give us a call in the afternoon or in the middle of the night, we will answer. We will start by asking all kinds of questions about the fire and your home to help us formulate our recovery plan. Different house styles and building materials can affect how we approach each situation, so we like to be as thorough as possible.

Once we have our initial ideas in place, we pack up our trucks and hit the road on our way to you. We will do a full walkthrough of your home and we will inspect the damage firsthand. Before we get started on any project, we will secure the rest of your home to prevent further damage by boarding up windows and laying tarps over your possessions.

The Debris Removal

Now that your home is secure, we can get to work! We will bring in advanced equipment to help us remove the damaged debris and soot buildup, and we can start drying out any standing water. Many homes also have water damage on top of fire damage due to the hoses used to put out the fire.

We will go around your home and remove smoke and soot residue from every room, even in spaces that weren’t touched by the fire.

Once the initial debris is gone, we will give your space a cleaning from top to bottom and sanitize everything that is able to be put back in its place in your home. We will bring in air scrubbers and fogging equipment for one final sweep to make sure everything is clean and ready to go.

The Restoration Process

The time has come! Restoring your home can include new drywall, flooring, carpet or entire rebuilds of rooms or sections of your home. We are detail-oriented enough to tackle even the most intricate of reconstruction projects, so you know you are in good hands.

Our SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee team is locally owned and operated, but we are backed by a national brand that gives us unique connections to equipment and restoration materials. No matter how your fire started, our team is here to help 24/7.

House fires can cause widespread damage. Our fire damage restoration team can help.

Fall / Winter Checklist for Homeowners

10/25/2022 (Permalink)

The air is starting to get cooler, and the leaves are changing colors and beginning to fall from the trees.  Fall is here, and winter will be creeping up on us before we know it!  With the change from warmer to colder weather comes a list of home maintenance tasks that homeowners should consider to keep their homes in the best possible conditions for the cold weather season.

Clean or replace your gutters.  Leaves and other debris can clog your gutters and downspouts and cause them to not drain properly, which may lead to ice dams on your roof or leaks in your home’s foundation.

Inspect your roof for loose or damaged shingles.  You don’t want snow and ice coming through your roof and creating interior damage as well!  Better to get repairs done now than in the dead of winter.

Check your windows and doors for drafts and air leaks.  Adding caulk or weather stripping can help minimize cold air leakage into your home, which will not only increase your comfort, but can also help you save on heating costs.

Change your furnace filter and schedule furnace maintenance when needed.  Changing your filter regularly will help keep your air quality high and your energy bills lower.  Having your furnace cleaned and inspected by a qualified HVAC company can often help extend the life of your furnace unit.

Remove exterior hoses and cover up outside water spigots.  Any outside hoses should be emptied of water and moved indoors.  Spigot covers can help keep exterior pipes from freezing and can be purchased at any hardware store.

Test and clean your fireplace and sweep your chimney.  Removing soot and creosote buildup not only reduces the risk of chimney fires, but can also improve the efficiency of your fireplace.

Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.  Although this should be done all year, the end of daylight savings time when we change our clocks back can also be a convenient reminder to test our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change the batteries if needed.

Clean and organize your garage, and find your rakes and snow shovels.  Get rid of any trash, put away bicycles, lawn maintenance tools, and any other items you don’t plan to use often in the cold weather months.  Make sure your rakes, shovels, and snowblower are easily accessible for fall and winter.

Store away outdoor furniture.  Since we live in Michigan, we probably won’t be using our patio furniture again until late spring.  Moving it inside into a garage or shed for the winter will help extend its life by keeping it out of the elements where it can become damaged from snow and ice.  Another option is to cover it up. 

Inspect your driveway and fill in any cracks.  The freezing and thawing conditions of winter can sometimes cause cracks to develop in the cement.  Fall is a great time to fill any cracks from the previous winter to prevent any further damage.

Check your attic and/or crawlspace for pests.  The best pest control is prevention.  Repair any cracks or holes to prevent insects and rodents from coming in to seek refuge from the cold.  Be sure to get any current infestations under control to keep them from worsening.  Call a pest control company if needed.

Got mold? Let SERVPRO help!

9/15/2022 (Permalink)

Mold damage can occur in many places in your home. Mold spores are present almost everywhere and can grow with an appliance or pipe leak, after a sump pump failure in your basement, or any other source of water intrusion such as a roof leak. Mold colonies can develop if water soaks into the structures of your home or into soft furnishings and materials such as carpet, and can also grow on the surfaces of walls.  It is sometimes challenging to prevent mold growth after a water leak or other source of moisture, and many homeowners will struggle with fungal growth at some point.

How Does Mold Grow?

Molds are microscopic fungal organisms that can colonize and grow on damp surfaces within 24 to 48 hours. They reproduce through spores that travel through the air, and digest and destroy organic materials. (  The most common types of indoor molds have been identified as CladosporiumPenicillium, and Aspergillus. (

The fungus needs the following to grow and spread:

  • An organic food source such as cotton, paper, or wood
  • Moisture
  • Oxygen

Mold grows best in cool and dark conditions. The spores reproduce rapidly and can create a significant problem in as little as 24-72 hours, including both structural damage and health problems.

How Does SERVPRO Reduce Mold Damage Risks?

You might call us out if you are concerned about visible fungi, a moldy smell, or a water leak. Mold remediation services can minimize the damage, demolition, and costs of replacing mold damaged materials.

We know that looking for visible signs of mold is sometimes not enough. The fungus often grows in dark, hidden corners of your home and hard to reach places like inside wall cavities. We can use various equipment to assess moisture levels in your home's walls and carpets and to check humidity levels.  We can also refer you to companies that provide air quality testing to let you know the types and levels of mold spores in your home.

Why is Drying Your Home so Important?

Because fungus needs moisture to thrive, properly drying your home reduces mold damage risks. This is especially important if your house has suffered recent water damage or a water leak.

Getting your home dry is a crucial part of our mold remediation process.  This includes:

  • Setting up air movers to help dry the surface of wet flooring or walls
  • Using dehumidifiers to reduce the amount of moisture in the air
  • Using portable extractors to remove water from floors and carpets

Our crews can also deal with the fungus that is already present.  We use air scrubbers and HEPA filters to help capture the airborne spores.  We can also clean or dispose of items depending on whether they are salvageable.  Antimicrobial products are typically sprayed on treated surfaces to inhibit any future mold growth.  SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee microbial remediation technicians have the skills, experience, equipment, and products to leave your home looking "Like it never even happened."  Call us for your mold remediation needs at (734) 299-7006.

Biohazard situation? We can help!

9/13/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Carleton-Maybee technicians are thoroughly trained in the cleaning and disposal of hazardous contents and affected materials.  We provide cleanup and recovery services for many biohazard situations. These include the following:

  • Suicide/death accidents
  • Homicide cleanups
  • Blood cleanup
  • Accident cleanup
  • Chemical spills
  • Sewage backups
  • Hoarding situations
  • Animal waste

When it comes to biohazards, we are prepared to handle situations like these.  Protection is of utmost importance for our employees, as removing biohazard materials can pose potential serious health risks such as lung irritations and viral or bacterial infections.  Our crew is equipped with the necessary PPE (personal protective equipment) and cleaning products to tackle these types of cleanups. 

Specialized training and experience are key when choosing a cleanup company to resolve these types of circumstances.  Here at SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee, we can help transform these unhealthy environments into clean, safe homes and offices.  In most cases, we can restore your home or business back to its preloss condition.  Give us a call if you need any biohazard cleanup services – at (734) 299-7006.  SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is always here to help, making it “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Prevention and Safety

9/2/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Prevention Week is October 9 - 15, and will be celebrating it’s 100th anniversary this year with a campaign theme of “Fire won't wait. Plan your escape™” (  During this annual event, the National Fire Protection Association provides resources and materials to educate the public about important actions that can be taken to prevent home fires and to keep their families safe from fires should they occur.

The NFPA estimates that a family may have as little as two minutes to safely escape a home fire after the smoke alarm goes off (  This makes it crucial for every household to establish a home fire escape plan, as well as a family home safety action plan that focuses on preventing fires from occurring in the first place, and detecting and reacting to them quickly if they do.  The NFPA offers the following guidelines for fire safety:

Smoke alarms should be placed in every bedroom and hallway on each level of the home at a minimum.  The only rooms smoke alarms are not recommended is in kitchens and bathrooms.  They should be tested regularly by pushing the test button, as often as on a monthly basis.  In between tests, if a detector begins chirping the batteries should be replaced immediately.  For any smoke detectors that are over 10 years old, the whole unit should be replaced.

Home fire escape plans should be made to make sure that everybody knows what to do to get out safely if the smoke alarm goes off, or if someone smells smoke or sees flames.  These plans should include a map of the home marking two ways out of each room (including windows and doors), escape routes, and an outside meeting place.  Arrangements should also be made to assist young children, older adults, and people with disabilities to evacuate should a fire occur.  Home fire drills should be practiced at least twice a year.

Some additional fire safety tips offered by the National Safety Council are as follows: (

  • When cooking, stay in the kitchen. Keep anything that could catch on fire away from the stovetop.  If baking, use a timer and check the food regularly.
  • Do not leave space heaters or fireplaces unattended. Turn off heaters and make sure fireplace embers are extinguished before leaving the room. Keep all flammable items at least 3 feet away and keep children and pets away as well.  Look for space heater models that shut off automatically when tipped over.
  • When using a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS: Pull the pin, Aim low at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle slowly, and Sweep the nozzle side to side.  Home fire extinguishers should only be used on small fires.  If the fire has spread or there is a lot of smoke, you should call the fire department and evacuate as soon as possible.

If your family does suffer the unfortunate event of a home fire loss, SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is here to help.  We have specialized fire restoration training to remove any water from firefighting efforts, dry remaining moisture with air movers and dehumidifiers, remove smoke and soot from walls and ceilings, and clean and sanitize all restorable items that were damaged by the fire.  We will work with your insurance company to coordinate this process and direct you to reconstruction services for any repairs that may be needed.  Call us in the event of a fire emergency at (734) 299-7006.

Business Planning & Mitigation

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

In recognition of the National Preparedness Month of September, we continue with some recommended business planning activities that should be performed to prepare organizations for potential hazards and emergencies that their businesses may encounter.  Whether there is a natural disaster such as a flood, tornado, or storm damage, a health hazard such as a viral epidemic or bacterial contamination, or other emergency due to an accident, equipment failure, or even an act of violence or terrorism, business emergency plans are essential for sustaining business operations and keeping staff and customers safe.

There are many resources organizations can use to plan for emergencies, including the Ready Business Toolkits put together by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which offer business leaders step-by-step guides to planning for specific types of emergencies.  Each toolkit contains the following sections: Identifying risk, Developing a plan, Taking action, and Being recognized and inspiring others (  Another resource is the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile, which can help minimize business interruptions by having an immediate plan of action and knowing what to do in advance should an emergency occur (  These and any other types of emergency preparedness plans should focus on prevention, mitigation actions, return to operations, and business continuity following a disaster. 

SERVPRO of Carleton/Maybee is here to help for your commercial mitigation needs.  We offer fire and water restoration services, mold remediation, and even biohazard cleanup.  This includes our Certified SERVPRO Cleaned program, which offers a high standard of cleaning for workplace COVID-19 infections and other viral pathogens.  Call us at (734) 299-7006 for a consultation and estimate whenever mitigation is needed for your business!